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Welcome to McFarlin

Changing Lives That Change the World

Commitment Sunday, Nov. 3 | Your annual financial commitments are the extraordinary spark that ignites McFarlin’s mission of “Changing Lives That Change the World.” These commitments sustain the essential framework that allows us to go beyond the ordinary and strive for something truly remarkable!

Orders Due Dec. 8 | As we prepare for the Advent season and the celebration of Christmas, we invite you to participate in a beautiful tradition that allows you to honor or remember someone special while also supporting a great cause. You can purchase a poinsettia to be placed on the Sanctuary stage during our Advent services. 

Fall at McFarlin

As we transition into the beautiful season of fall, we’re excited to invite you to explore our Fall Hub! This dedicated space is designed to keep you informed about a wide array of upcoming events and opportunities happening this season! Click the button below to check it out!